I have been slow to respond to the art world that I participate in as I have been very reflective as to how and what should I do to help as an artist, educator, friend and family member in our community.
Our lives are so entangled on various emotional levels and I wanted to think of an art activity that would include everyone, be fun to do, easy to find materials, and can most of all provide a past time and fun creative activity while we endure together in these unique circumstances….plus just maybe we would have something to look back on and remember with joy and not heart ache.
Collages can do everything! They don’t require any prior experience and encourage a care free spirit which is a dose of what we need at the moment. Using scissors and glue is something almost everyone can do and can participate in even if it is just suggesting or finding the material around the house. It brings out the child in all of us and gives children a wonderful expressive venue.All things are possible regarding materials to create a collage.
For example:
Cereal, cracker or pizza boxes can be used as the foundation to glue stuff on. Think twice about throwing anything like this out.
Magazines, newspapers, old holiday and birthday cards, wrapping paper, wool,string, pieces of fabric, almost anything that is ephemera (stuff that no one else wants to keep but you for example – first theater ticket of first date). Who keeps that stuff?…..umph, I do. Ha ha no really I do.
So…..go out and scrounge the house. for possible materials. Think of the recycle bin stuff too. This is a great activity for your children to do as well. Maybe their school art work from days gone by could be in the next Covid Collage Creation. Set up a permanent go to CCC location in your home to keep all the materials together to make it easy to just get at it. Don’t think just do and let your feelings guide you!
I highly suggest to pour a cup of tea, maybe prepare a snack for yourself and your children and make a date to create your CCC. Post it on my Facebook Page – Canada’s Art Mamma and share this idea with your friends.
Think of the possibilities of what we will see and experience together when this is over?. I can see a wash of Maritime CCC’s all over the internet sharing a piece of home and their feelings through this experience.
If you want to do a mix media CCC that is also a super idea. Paint, pencil, crayons whatever you have around the house will do. Put it all in, why not its a collage of free expression and interpretation. This is a special time so lets make the most of it. Can’t wait to see your collages and share them too!
All the best and keep safe. Happy sticking!
Your Art Mamma